Monday, February 1, 2016

ARM Assembly from inception to writing Boot loader.

ARM Assembly:

Creating an new file

Create a new file called "hello.s", ARM assembler files use the extension of .s, then open it in your editor. we start by telling the assembler that the section of code we are writing contains the code using the directive ".text",
next we create the entry point for the program, the entry point is where execution will start. the default label name used to indentify the entry point is "_start" above this we add the directive ".global _start", the file should now look like this:
.global _start


The file now has a entry point and could be assembled, but the program is missing a way to terminate properly. so we will use a system call to tell the operating system that we are done. system call codes are passed in register r7 and the number for SYS_EXIT is 1, to move small numbers directly into registers we use the "mov" instuction, here how "mov r7, #1", the pound sign in front of the number tells the assembler that it is a literal, numbers up to 255 can be used this way. next well call the software interrupt with the instuction "swi 0". the file should now look like this:
.global _start
    mov r7, #1
    swi 0        

Defining the data

Now we can define the data that the program will use. the data is stored in the ".data" section of the program. this section can be read and written to by the program. we start by creating a new label to indentify the string to display, let's call it message but it cound be called anything. this label referances the address of where the data is stored in memory. then we use the directive ".asciz" to tell the assembler that the data is a null terminated string.  After that create another label to store the length of the string, this is how it's done "len = .-message", the assembler will calculate the size of the string and store it at that label. The file should now look like this:
.global _start
    mov r7, #1
    swi 0

    .asciz "hello world\n"
len = .-message    

Displaying the text

Now we display the message that we defined. to display text to the console the system call SYS_WRITE is used, it is call number 4, SYS_WRITE needs some arguments such as where to display the message, the memory location and the string length. In register r0 we tell it to display the message to stdout using the code 1, then we load into r1 the memory address of the label used to indentify the string using the load into register instruction "ldr", this is how the ldr instruction is used "ldr r1, =message" the first argument is the destination register and the 2nd is the label name.  The next step is to load the label containing the length of the string into r2, this is how "ldr r2, =len", then we move into r7 SYS_WRITE which is number 4, the last step is to call the software interrupt using "swi 0", after that the text will be displayed. The file should now look like this:
.global _start
    mov r0, #1
    ldr r1, =message
    ldr r2, =len
    mov r7, #4
    swi 0

    mov r7, #1
    swi 0

    .asciz "hello world\n"
len = .-message                  

Building the program

We are now done writing the program and can build and run it, first assemble it using an assembler, this will produce an object file from the assembly code. we will use the assembler as but you might have to use the ARM assembler arm-linux-gnueabihf-as, here is how the assembler is used "as hello.s -o hello.o", then we need to link the object file which it produces using the linker ld using similar syntax "ld hello.o -o hello", this will create an ELF executable which we can run. It will be outputed to a file named hello but if you do not give it a output name it would be outputed to a.out.  To run the executable call the command ./hello, the program is now complete.
Let's start by having a look at the register conventions.

  Register   Alt. Name   Usage
  r0   a1   First function argument Integer function result Scratch register
  r1   a2   Second function argument Scratch register
  r2   a3   Third function argument Scratch register
  r3   a4   Fourth function argument Scratch register

  r4   v1   Register variable
  r5   v2   Register variable
  r6   v3   Register variable
  r7   v4   Register variable
  r8   v5   Register variable
  r9   v6
    rfp   Register variable Real frame pointer

  r10   sl   Stack limit
  r11   fp   Argument pointer
  r12   ip   Temporary workspace
  r13   sp   Stack pointer
  r14   lr   Link register Workspace
  r15   pc   Program counter
So registers r0 to r3 will be dealing with function parameters. Registers r4 to r9 will 
 be for variables. On the other hand register r7 will store the address of the Syscall to execute. 

 Register r13 points to the stack and register r15 points to the next address to execute. 

 These two registers can be compared to the ESP and EIP registers under x86, even though register 
 operations greatly differ between ARM and x86.
Let's start by writing a shellcode that will first call the syscall _write and then the _exit one.
 We first need to know the address of the syscalls. We'll do as we usually do:

 root@ARM9:~# cat /usr/include/asm/unistd.h | grep write
 #define __NR_write   (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE+  4)
 #define __NR_writev   (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE+146)
 #define __NR_pwrite64   (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE+181)
 #define __NR_pciconfig_write  (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE+273)

 root@ARM9:~# cat /usr/include/asm/unistd.h | grep exit
 #define __NR_exit   (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE+  1)
 #define __NR_exit_group   (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE+248)

 Ok, so we have 4 for _write and 1 for _exit. We know that _write consumes three arguments: 
 write(int __fd, __const void *__buf, size_t __n)

 Which gives us:
 r0 => 1   (output)  
 r1 =>\n (string)
 r2 => 16   (strlen(string))
 r7 => 4   (syscall)

 r0 => 0
 r7 => 1 

 Here's what we get in assembly:

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# cat write.s 
 .section .text
 .global _start


  # _write()
  mov  r2, #16
  mov r1, pc  <= r1 = pc
  add r1, #24  <= r1 = pc + 24 (which points to our string)
  mov  r0, $0x1 
  mov  r7, $0x4
  svc  0

  # _exit()
  sub r0, r0, r0
  mov  r7, $0x1
  svc 0

 .ascii "\n"

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# as -o write.o write.s
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# ld -o write write.o
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# ./write
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# strace ./write
 execve("./write", ["./write"], [/* 17 vars */]) = 0
 write(1, "\n"...,
 )    = 16

 Everything seems to work fine so far, however in order create our shellcode, we should have no null 
 bytes, and our code is full of them.

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# objdump -d write

 write:     file format elf32-littlearm

 Disassembly of section .text:

 00008054 <_start>:
     8054: e3a02010  mov r2, #16 ; 0x10
     8058: e1a0100f  mov r1, pc
     805c: e2811018  add r1, r1, #24
     8060: e3a00001  mov r0, #1 ; 0x1
     8064: e3a07004  mov r7, #4 ; 0x4
     8068: ef000000  svc 0x00000000
     806c: e0400000  sub r0, r0, r0
     8070: e3a07001  mov r7, #1 ; 0x1
     8074: ef000000  svc 0x00000000
     8078: 6c656873  stclvs 8, cr6, [r5], #-460
     807c: 74732d6c  ldrbtvc r2, [r3], #-3436
     8080: 2e6d726f  cdpcs 2, 6, cr7, cr13, cr15, {3}
     8084: 0a67726f  beq 19e4a48 <__data_start x19d49c0="">

 Under ARM, we have what is called the THUMB MODE which allows us to use 16 bits addressing for our 
 calls as opposed to 32 bits, which does simplify our life at this stage.

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# cat write.s 
 .section .text
 .global _start


  .code 32
  # Thumb-Mode on
  add  r6, pc, #1
  bx r6

  .code  16
  # _write()
  mov  r2, #16
  mov r1, pc
  add r1, #12
  mov  r0, $0x1 
  mov  r7, $0x4
  svc  0

  # _exit()
  sub r0, r0, r0
  mov  r7, $0x1
  svc 0

 .ascii "\n"

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# as -mthumb -o write.o write.s
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# ld -o write write.o
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# ./write

 When compiling, please use "-mthumb" to indicate that we are switching to "Thumb Mode". The astute 
 reader will have noticed that I have changed the value of the constant being added to r1. Instead 
 of the original "add r1, #24", I'm doing "add r1, #12" since we have now switched to "thumb mode", 
 the address where my chain is at, has been halved. Let's see what that gives us in terms of null bytes.

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# objdump -d write
 write:     file format elf32-littlearm

 Disassembly of section .text:

 00008054 <_start>:
     8054: e28f6001  add r6, pc, #1
     8058: e12fff16  bx r6
     805c: 2210       movs r2, #16
     805e: 4679       mov r1, pc
     8060: 310c       adds r1, #12
     8062: 2001       movs r0, #1
     8064: 2704       movs r7, #4
     8066: df00       svc 0
     8068: 1a00       subs r0, r0, r0
     806a: 2701       movs r7, #1
     806c: df00       svc 0
     806e: 6873       ldr r3, [r6, #4]
     8070: 6c65       ldr r5, [r4, #68]
     8072: 2d6c       cmp r5, #108
     8074: 7473       strb r3, [r6, #17]
     8076: 726f       strb r7, [r5, #9]
     8078: 2e6d       cmp r6, #109
     807a: 726f       strb r7, [r5, #9]
     807c: 0a67       lsrs r7, r4, #9

 That's better, all that we have left now to do is to modify the following instructions: "svc 0" 
 and "sub r0, r0, r0".

 For SVC we'll use "svc 1" which is perfect in this case.
 For "sub r0, r0, r0", the goal is to place 0 in register r0, however we cannot do a "mov r0, #0" 
 as that will include a null byte. The only trick so far that I've come across is:

 sub r4, r4, r4
 mov r0, r4

 Which gives us:

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# cat write.s 
 .section .text
 .global _start

  .code 32

  # Thumb-Mode on
  add  r6, pc, #1
  bx r6
  .code  16

  # _write()
  mov  r2, #16
  mov r1, pc
  add r1, #14  <==== We changed the address again, since in exit() we've added
  mov  r0, $0x1       instructions which messed it all up.
  mov  r7, $0x4
  svc  1

  # _exit()
  sub r4, r4, r4
  mov r0, r4
  mov  r7, $0x1
  svc 1
 .ascii "\n"
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# as -mthumb -o write.o write.s
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# ld -o write write.o
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# ./write
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# strace ./write
 execve("./write", ["./write"], [/* 17 vars */]) = 0
 write(1, "\n"...,
 )    = 16
 exit(0)                                 = ?
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write# objdump -d write

 write:     file format elf32-littlearm

 Disassembly of section .text:

 00008054 <_start>:
     8054: e28f6001  add r6, pc, #1 ; 0x1
     8058: e12fff16  bx r6
     805c: 2210       movs r2, #16
     805e: 4679       mov r1, pc
     8060: 310e       adds r1, #14
     8062: 2001       movs r0, #1
     8064: 2704       movs r7, #4
     8066: df01       svc 1
     8068: 1b24       subs r4, r4, r4
     806a: 1c20       adds r0, r4, #0
     806c: 2701       movs r7, #1
     806e: df01       svc 1
     8070: 6873       ldr r3, [r6, #4]
     8072: 6c65       ldr r5, [r4, #68]
     8074: 2d6c       cmp r5, #108
     8076: 7473       strb r3, [r6, #17]
     8078: 726f       strb r7, [r5, #9]
     807a: 2e6d       cmp r6, #109
     807c: 726f       strb r7, [r5, #9]
     807e: 0a67       lsrs r7, r4, #9

 Here we are, we've got an operational shellcode without any null bytes. In C that gives us:

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write/C# cat write.c 


 char *SC =  "\x01\x60\x8f\xe2"

 int main(void)
  fprintf(stdout,"Length: %d\n",strlen(SC));
  (*(void(*)()) SC)();
 return 0;

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write/C# gcc -o write write.c
 write.c: In function 'main':
 write.c:28: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'strlen'
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/write/C# ./write 
 Length: 44

 III - execv("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh"], 0)

 Now let's study a shellcode called execve(). The structure should look like this:

 r0 => "//bin/sh"
 r1 => "//bin/sh"
 r2 => 0

 r7 => 11

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/shell# cat shell.s 
 .section .text
 .global _start
  .code 32   // 
  add  r3, pc, #1  // This whole section is for "Thumb Mode"
  bx r3   //
  .code 16   //

  mov  r0, pc   // We place the address of pc in r0
  add  r0, #10   // and add 10 to it (which then makes it point to //bin/sh)
  str r0, [sp, #4]  // we place it on the stack  (in case we need it again)

  add  r1, sp, #4   // we move what was on the stack to r1

  sub r2, r2, r2  // we subtract r2 from itself (which is the same as placing 0 in r2)

  mov  r7, #11   // syscall execve in r7
  svc  1   // we execute

 .ascii "//bin/sh"

 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/shell# as -mthumb -o shell.o shell.s
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/shell# ld -o shell shell.o
 root@ARM9:/home/jonathan/shellcode/shell# ./shell 
 # exit

 We can verify that the shellcode contains no null bytes !!

     8054: e28f3001  add r3, pc, #1
     8058: e12fff13  bx r3
     805c: 4678       mov r0, pc
     805e: 300a       adds r0, #10
     8060: 9001       str r0, [sp, #4]
     8062: a901       add r1, sp, #4
     8064: 1a92       subs r2, r2, r2
     8066: 270b       movs r7, #11
     8068: df01       svc 1
     806a: 2f2f       cmp r7, #47
     806c: 6962       ldr r2, [r4, #20]
     806e: 2f6e       cmp r7, #110
     8070: 6873       ldr r3, [r6, #4]

 So this is it, to find more ARM shellcodes please browse to:

IN General Board terms the follow of writing the code is some thing like this. 

  • Set CPU mode
  • Close Watchdog
  • Close interruption
  • Set the stack pointer sp
  • Clear bss section
  • Interrupt exception handling
Normally in any bootloader the main kundalli of the MPU is its memory map, and this is related to tally to the Linker script of the bootloader (
In normal terms the starting of any processor is majorly dependent on the START.S file which is totally assembly file, By following the correct flow of execution of the system boot up from the TRM of the processor data sheet , one can able to write the code. 
Suppose say there are major Samsung series of MPU starting from the Classic ARM 9 core to the Latest MPU which is CORTEX A9 (Single) (REF::
It will set the CPU mode, initialize the interrupts and SDRAM, then relocate the loader code, at last, I will jump to the code in ram to continue the boot. First, let’s look at the interrupt vector table. It is at the beginning of start.S.
.globl _start _start:     b    reset
    ldr    pc, _undefined_instruction     ldr    pc, _software_interrupt     ldr    pc, _prefetch_abort     ldr    pc, _data_abort     ldr    pc, _not_used     ldr    pc, _irq     ldr    pc, _fiq
_undefined_instruction:     .word undefined_instruction _software_interrupt:     .word software_interrupt _prefetch_abort:     .word prefetch_abort _data_abort:     .word data_abort _not_used:     .word not_used _irq:     .word irq _fiq:     .word fiq
    .balignl 16,0xdeadbeef
.start is the position where cpu fetches the first instruction, it jumps to actual reset code. Others are jump instructions for other interrupt functions. Then following is some important addresses including TEXT_BASE, _start (C code address where this Assembler code will jump to at end), bss_start and bss_end.
_TEXT_BASE:     .word    TEXT_BASE
.globl _armboot_start _armboot_start:     .word _start
.globl _bss_start _bss_start:     .word __bss_start
.globl _bss_end _bss_end:     .word _end
_bss_start and _bss_end are defined in the board-specific linker script and TEXT_BASE is defined in the board-specific config file. Then is the actual reset code. It sets CPU to SVC32 mode, flushes v4 I/D caches, disables MMU and caches.
    mrs    r0,cpsr     bic    r0,r0,#0x1f     orr    r0,r0,#0xd3     msr    cpsr,r0
    bl    cpu_init_crit
I wonder here what is the meaning of these instructions .????
mrs :: msr ::: bic(bit clear)::orr(OR operation), last 2 are general data processing instructions.
In general , MSR/MRS instructions are used to PSR Transfer.
PSR Transfer (MRS, MSR)

The instruction is only executed if  the  condition  is  true. 
The  MRS instruction allows the contents of the CPSR or SPSR_ to be moved to  a
general register. The MSR instruction  allows  the  contents  of  a  general
register to be moved to the CPSR or SPSR_ register.

The BIC (Bit Clear) instruction performs an AND operation on the bits in Rn with the complements of the corresponding bits in the value of Operand2.
The ORN Thumb-2 instruction performs an OR operation on the bits in Rn with the complements of the corresponding bits in the value of Operand2.
In certain circumstances, the assembler can substitute BIC for ANDAND for BICORN for ORR, or ORR for ORN. Be aware of this when reading disassembly listings.
Normal BARE METAL CODE, similar to Boot up with out RAM and NAND. Later i make initialization of SRAM/NAND seeing the Datasheet of the BOM/Part number, respectively.

Summary of each part start.S

In fact, this compilation of documents on start.S main thing to do is to initialize the various aspects of the system.
With respect to each of the specific code to achieve the above, it is also explained line by line, and not repeat them here.
Here, just briefly summarize, the way of its implementation, or other areas requiring attention.
  1. Set CPU modeOverall, the CPU is set to SVC mode. As to why the CPU is set SVC mode, see chapters explain in detail later.
  2. Close WatchdogIs to set the corresponding register, the watchdog is closed. As to why disable the watchdog, see chapters explain in detail later.
  3. Close interruptionClose interruption, but also to set the corresponding register, you can.
  4. Set the stack pointer spSetting the stack pointer called sp, such a sentence, I heard the N times before, but to be honest, has not quite understand, in the end what is the deeper meaning. Later, I saw more code, be considered a little understanding. Setting the stack pointer called sp, is to set the stack, and a so-called set up the stack, things to do, it seems very simple, just a very simple action: Let sp value equal to an address, you can. But the logic behind it: First, you want to get to know the current system is how to use the stack, the stack is growing up or growing down. After then know how the system uses the stack, before the assignment to sp, you must ensure that the corresponding address space is specifically allocated well, dedicated to the stack used to ensure that the stack size is relatively fit, but not too small so that the function call is too late and more, resulting in a stack overflow, or stack too, wasting storage space, and so on. All the logic behind these, are to go through some programming experience, it was more likely to understand the meaning of. Here, just briefly, more relevant content, or to rely on each person own more practice, more in-depth understanding slowly.
  5. Clear bss sectionHere is very simple, is to correspond bss segment, are set to 0, that is cleared. The corresponding address space, is like those of a global variable uninitialized address.
  6. Interrupt exception handlingInterrupt exception handling is part of that process to achieve common corresponding interrupt. Saying that white is the realization of a interrupt function. uboot at initialization time, the main purpose is to initialize the system, and the system is booted, so here interrupt handling part of the code is often relatively simple, not very complicated.
.global _start
b reset
ldr pc, _undifined_instruction
ldr pc, _software_interrupt
ldr pc, _prefetch_abort
ldr pc, _data_abort
ldr pc, _not_used
ldr pc, _irq
ldr pc, _fiq
_undifined_instruction: .word undifined_instruction
_software_interrupt: .word software_interrupt
_prefetch_abort: .word prefetch_abort
_data_abort: .word data_abort
_not_used: .word not_used
_irq: .word irq
_fiq: .word reset
bl set_svc
bl disable_watchdog
bl disable_interrupt
bl disable_mmu
bl init_clock
bl init_sdram
bl light_led
set_svc: mrs r0, cpsr bic r0, r0,#0x1f orr r0, r0,#0xd3 msr cpsr, r0 mov pc, lr #define pWTCON 0x53000000 disable_watchdog: ldr r0, =pWTCON mov r1, #0x0 str r1, [r0] mov pc, lr disable_interrupt: mvn r1, #0x0 ldr r0, =0x4a000008 str r1, [r0] mov pc, lr disable_mmu: mcr p15,0,r0,c7,c7,0 mrc p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0 bic r0, r0, #0x00000007 mcr p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0 mov pc, lr #define CLKDIVN 0x4c000014 #define MPLLCON 0x4c000008 #define MPLL_405MHZ ((127<<12 i="" init_clock:="" ldr="" mov="" r0="" r1="" str="" x5="">
    mov    r0, #0     mcr    p15, 0, r0, c7, c7, 0    /* flush v3/v4 cache */     mcr    p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0    /* flush v4 TLB */
    mrc    p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0     bic    r0, r0, #0x00002300    /* clear bits 13, 9:8 (–V- –RS) */     bic    r0, r0, #0x00000087    /* clear bits 7, 2:0 (B— -CAM) */     orr    r0, r0, #0x00000002    /* set bit 2 (A) Align */     orr    r0, r0, #0x00001000    /* set bit 12 (I) I-Cache */     mcr    p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
following, control passes to board-specific lowlevel_init function using following code.
mov    ip, lr        /* perserve link reg across call */ bl    lowlevel_init    /* go setup pll,mux,memory */ mov    lr, ip        /* restore link */ mov    pc, lr        /* back to my caller */
This is the last change we do some init before relocation. Normally, we set the CPU Clock Speed and init the RAM here. But since this board(Versatile/PB) has its own boot monitor running before U-boot and init the RAM for us. So we have nothing to do in the function lowlevel_init. Actually, the lowlevel_init function (U-boot/board/armltd/versatile/lowlevel_init.S) looks like that:
.globl lowlevel_init lowlevel_init:
    /* All done by Versatile'boot monitor! */     mov pc, lr
It does nothing but just return to the caller. After this function, the cpu_init_crit function just comes to an end. At here, all the necessary init before relocation have finished. Relocation code follows:
relocate:                /* relocate UBoot to RAM        */     adr    r0, _start        /* r0 < current position of code   */     ldr    r1, _TEXT_BASE        /* test if we run from flash or RAM */     cmp     r0, r1                  /* don't reloc during debug         */     beq     stack_setup     ldr    r2, _armboot_start     ldr    r3, _bss_start     sub    r2, r3, r2        /* r2 < size of armboot            */     add    r2, r0, r2        /* r2 < source end address         */
copy_loop:     ldmia    r0!, {r3r10}        /* copy from source address [r0]    */     stmia    r1!, {r3r10}        /* copy to   target address [r1]    */     cmp    r0, r2            /* until source end addreee [r2]    */     ble    copy_loop
First, it compares the reset address and TEXT_BASE, if they are the same, we are running U-boot directly in RAM so we don’t need to relocate, if not, it will copy the code between _armboot_start and _bss_start to TEXT_BASE which is in RAM. Then we will set up the stack:
stack_setup:     ldr    r0, _TEXT_BASE        /* upper 128 KiB: relocated uboot   */     sub    sp, r0, #128        /* leave 32 words for abort-stack   */     sub    r0, r0, #CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN    /* malloc area                      */     sub    r0, r0, #CONFIG_SYS_GBL_DATA_SIZE /* bdinfo                        */
    sub    sp, r0, #12        /* leave 3 words for abort-stack    */     bic    sp, sp, #7        /* 8-byte alignment for ABI compliance */
clear_bss:     ldr    r0, _bss_start        /* find start of bss segment        */     ldr    r1, _bss_end        /* stop here                        */     mov    r2, #0x00000000        /* clear                            */
clbss_l:str    r2, [r0]        /* clear loop…                    */     add    r0, r0, #4     cmp    r0, r1     ble    clbss_l
OK. Now, we are ready to jump the C code.
ldr    pc, _start_armboot
_start_armboot:     .word start_armboot
start_armboot() is defined in file U-boot/arm/arm/lib/board.c. It is the 2ed stage of boot. In this function, U-boot will fully init the board, then start the main_loop waiting for the input from user or just booting the kernel. Now, let’s move to the init_sequence function list. All the functions in this list will be executed one after another in function start_armboot().
init_fnc_t *init_sequence[] = {     board_init,        /* basic board dependent setup */     timer_init,        /* initialize timer */     env_init,        /* initialize environment */     init_baudrate,        /* initialze baudrate settings */     serial_init,        /* serial communications setup */     console_init_f,        /* stage 1 init of console */     display_banner,        /* say that we are here */     dram_init,        /* configure available RAM banks */     display_dram_config,     NULL, };
First, board_init() is in file U-boot/board/armltd/versatile/versatile.c. It will set CPU clock frequency and then enable i-cache. Then, timer_init() is in file U-boot/arch/arm/cpu/arm926ejs/versatile/timer.c. It will disable the timer first then set timer to the following mode.
/* * Timer Mode : Free Running * Interrupt : Disabled * Prescale : 8 Stage, Clk/256 * Tmr Siz : 16 Bit Counter * Tmr in Wrapping Mode */
Since we have set CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH to y, env_init() is in file U-boot/common/env_flash.c. It saves environment variables address to gd->env_addr. Following is init_baudrate(). It is in file U-boot/arch/arm/lib/board.c. And it is just read the baudrate config from environment then save it in gd->baudrate and gd->bd->bi_baudrate. This board uses AMBA PL011 UART device, so serial_init() is in file U-boot/drivers/serial/serial_pl01x.c. It will init the UART device by writing proper values into UART control registers. console_init_f() is in file U-boot/common/console.c and its function is trival. Just set gd->have_console to 1. Then call display_banner() to show that we have already done something. As saying before, this board using boot monitor to init ram, so dram_init() (in file U-boot/board/armltd/versatile/versatile.c) does noting but return. Wo…..After display_dram_config(), we finish the init sequences. Wait! We don’t finish the whole init process. After that, mem_malloc_init() is called and now we can use malloc to allocate memory. Then flash_init() is called to init flash controller. stdio_init() will init all standard I/O devices the board has. jumptable_init() will set gd->jt to a list of common function pointers. Then console_init_r(), it will add console devices into global device list and init output and input consoles. Great! We have done so mush now. Since we don’t make use of interrupts during booting, so we don’t need to enable interrupts. At here, we have finished the all init sequences and all the things on board are ready to use.
COnfusing What LDR does? Relative address calculations ? :D:D:D HA hahahahahaha

dump_u-boot.txt, you can find the corresponding assembly code, as follows:
33d00000 <_start>:
33d00000: ea000014 b 33d00058 
. . .
33d000a4 :
33d000a4: e24f00ac sub r0, pc, # 172; 0xac
You can see that this distance is relative to the current PC 0xac = 172, the attentive reader can see, the address of the instruction minus 0xac, but not equal to the value _start, namely
33d000a4 -! 33d00000 = 0xa4 = 0xac
And 0xac - 0xa4 = 8,
That is because the five-stage pipeline ARM920T's sake lead instruction execution time value of the PC that is equal to the value of the PC instruction plus 8, namely
sub r0, pc, # 172 in the PC value is
sub r0, pc, # 172
Instruction address: 33d000a4, plus 8, namely 33d000a4 + 8 = 33d000ac,
So, 33d000ac - 0xac, only equal 33d00000, is the address _start we see.
This leads to the PC because the value of the pipeline and the current instruction address different phenomena, that is, we often say, ARM middle, PC = PC + 8.
For why is PC = PC + 8, see the following content: Section 3.4, "why ARM7 in PC = PC + 8"
For here why not use the mov instruction, but use adr instructions, see the following contents: Section 3.7, "About why not use the mov instruction, rather than use a directive adr"
For the range operand mov instructions, see the following contents: Section 3.8 "mov instruction ranges operand in the end is how much."
adr r0, _start
The pseudo-code is translated into actual assembly code is:
33d000a4: e24f00ac sub r0, pc, # 172; 0xac
The implication is that by calculating PC + 8-172 ⇒ _start address
And _start address the relative code segment address 0 is the address at run time, and when the ARM920T power up ,, here is to boot from Flash Nor, the corresponding code, also in the Nor Flash, corresponding physical address is 0x0, so, at this time _start value is 0, not 0x33d00000.
Therefore, at this time:
r0 = 0x0

 Why ARM7 in PC = PC + 8

Here to explain why the ARM7, CPU address, namely PC, why has PC = PC + 8 this statement:
As we all know, AMR7, is a three-stage pipeline, and its details Figure:
Figure 3.1. AMR7 three-stage pipeline
AMR7 three-stage pipeline

First, the implementation of the corresponding line of ARM7, as the following figure:
Figure 3.2. ARM7 three pipeline state
ARM7 three pipeline state

Then, for three-stage pipeline example:
3.3. ARM7 three-stage pipeline example of FIG.
ARM7 three-stage pipeline example

From the map, it is very easy to see, the first instruction:
add r0, r1,$5
Implementation of the time, when a PC is already pointing to the third instruction:
cmp r2, # 3
Address, and so is the PC = PC + 8.

3.4.1 Why ARM9 and ARM7, just as PC = PC + 8

Three lines of ARM7, PC = PC + 8, well understood, but AMR9 in a five-stage pipeline, why or PC = PC + 8, instead of
=PC + 16,
Here we need to take to explain some of the.
Prior to specific explanation, first ARM7 and ARM9 pipeline affixed differences and connections:
Figure 3.4. ARM7 three lines vs ARM9 five-stage pipeline
Three-stage pipeline vs ARM9 ARM7 five-stage pipeline
Figure 3.5. ARM7 ARM9 five three-stage pipeline to pipeline maps
ARM7 ARM9 five three-stage pipeline to pipeline maps
Here is the beginning of why ARM9 PC = PC + 8 will be explained.
Listed first example of a five-stage pipeline of ARM9:
Figure five-stage pipeline example 3.6. ARM9 of
The five-stage pipeline example ARM9
Examples analyze why PC = PC + 8
Then we have the following start.S uboot in the beginning of the assembly code example to explain:
00000000 <_start>:
   0: ea000014  b 58 
   4: e59ff014 LDR pc, [pc, # 20]; 20 <_undefined_instruction>
   8: e59ff014 LDR pc, [pc, # 20]; 24 <_software_interrupt>
   c: e59ff014  ldr pc, [pc, #20] ; 28 <_prefetch_abort>
  10: e59ff014 LDR pc, [pc, # 20]; 2c <_data_abort>
  14: e59ff014  ldr pc, [pc, #20] ; 30 <_not_used>
  18: e59ff014 LDR pc, [pc, # 20]; 34 <_irq>
  1c: e59ff014 LDR pc, [pc, # 20]; 38 <_fiq>

00000020 <_undefined_instruction>:
  20: 00000120  .word 0x00000120
Next, each instruction cycle, CPU to do what things were explained in detail:
Before looking specifically explained below, there is one thing to keep in mind, that is:
PC not directed instruction you are running, but
PC always point you want to get the address of the instruction
A clear understanding of this premise behind an example to explain, it is easy to understand.
  1. Instruction cycle Cycle1
    1. FetchPC always points to the instruction address to be read (that is, we often say, pointing to the address of the next instruction), and the current PC = 4, So to get the physical address corresponding to four pairs of instruction
      LDR pc, [pc, # 20]
      Which corresponds to the binary code for the e59ff014. Here fetch End, automatically update the value of the PC, that PC = PC + 4 (single instruction occupies four bytes, so plus 4) = 4 + 4 = 8
  2. Instruction cycle Cycle2
    1. Translation meansTranslation instruction e59ff014
    2. At the same time go fetchPC always points to the instruction address to be read (that is, we often say, pointing to the address of the next instruction), and the current PC = 8, So go to a physical address corresponding to eight instruction "ldr pc, [pc, # 20]" which corresponds to the binary code for the e59ff014. Here fetch End, automatically update the value of the PC, that PC = PC + 4 = 8 + 4 = 12 = 0xc
  3. Instruction cycle Cycle3
    1. Execute (command)The implementation of "e59ff014", namely
      LDR pc, [pc, # 20]
      The meaning of the expression, that is PC = PC + 20 = 12 + 20 = 32 = 0x20 Here, just to be calculated will be assigned to the PC's value is 0x20, 0x20 is only in this execution unit internal buffer.
    2. Translation meansTranslation e59ff014
    3. FetchThis step because it is above (1) to perform synchronous doing so, were not affected and continue to fetch, and fetch the moment, PC is updated on a Cycle value that PC = 0xc, so It is to get the physical address corresponding to the instruction 0xc
      LDR pc, [pc, # 20]
      Corresponds to the binary is e59ff014
In fact, the analysis here, we can see:
In Cycle3 when the value of the PC, just has Cycle1 and Cycle2, each with a 4, so Cycle3 time, PC = PC + 8, and the same token, for any one instruction, are in Cycle3, instruction Execute the implementation phase, if the value PC is used, then the PC that moment, that is PC = PC + 8.
So, here it is a five-stage pipeline though, but not the PC = PC + 16, but PC = PC + 8.
Further, we find that, in fact, PC = PC + N of N, and implementation phases of the instruction is in the depth of the pipeline, that instruction execution Execute stage here, is the third five-stage pipeline, and this section Execute and the first stage of three-stage instruction fetch Fetch, a difference value is 3-1 = 2, that is, two CPU's Cycle, and each Cycle will lead to PC = + PC + 4, therefore, the instruction to the Execute stage, will find that when a PC has become PC = PC + 8 a.
In contrast ARM7 back to the three-stage pipeline, is the same reason, the Execute command execution stage, is in command of the third stage, the same token, when the instruction data is calculated, if used PC, you will find at this time PC = PC + 8.
Similarly, if the ARM9's five-stage pipeline, the Execute instruction execution stage, designed in the fourth stage, then that PC = PC + (4th stage-1) * 4 bytes = PC = PC + 12 a.
Be explained with reference to FIG PC = PC + 8 个 Process
For the analysis of the text of the above it may seem not too easy to understand, therefore, the following specific processes represented here graphically, more easily understood. Among them, the following diagram, is picture shows the internal structure of the five-stage pipeline ARM9-based, and for explaining why ARM9 edited out of five lines, but also the PC = PC + 8:
Five-stage pipeline Figure 3.7. ARM9's why PC = PC + 8
The five-stage pipeline in ARM9 why PC = PC + 8
For the figure above, the first instruction in the course of implementation, is to use the value of the PC, in fact, we can see,
For instruction execution, whether to use the value of the PC, PC will be in accordance with established logic, not a cycle, automatically increase 4, to paraphrase, "If You Are the One 2" in the classic dialogue, namely:
You (instruction execution time) to use,
Or not,
PC out there,
Automatic increase 4
So, after two cycle increase 4, to the instruction execution time, when a PC has increased by 8, the instruction execution time even if you are not used value of the PC, which also still has added 8 a. Generally speaking, most of the instruction, certainly are not used in the PC, but in fact, the moment any instruction execution, has also been a PC = PC + 8, and the majority of instruction is not used, so a lot of people do not Noting this point nothing.
[prompt]PC(execute)=PC(fetch)+ 8
For PC = PC + 8 two PC, in fact, its meaning is not exactly the same as a more accurate expression, it should be this:
PC(execute)=PC(fetch)+ 8
among them:
PC (fetch): the instruction currently being executed, that is, before the value of the instruction fetch when the PC
PC (execute): computing instruction is executed, if used in a PC, the PC's current value at this time.
[prompt]Relationship between the different stages of the PC
Correspondingly, in the three ARM7 pipeline (fetch, translated means, execution) and ARM9 a five-stage pipeline (fetch, translated means, execution, storage, write-back), you can say:
PC, always point address of the instruction currently being fetched,
PC-4, always point address of the instruction currently being translated means,
PC-8, the instruction always refers to the current that we address the general said, the instruction is being executed.
【to sum up】
ARM7's three-stage pipeline, PC = PC + 8,
ARM9 a five-stage pipeline, also PC = PC + 8,
The fundamental reason is that both the pipeline design, Execute instruction execution stage, are in the pipeline of the third stage.
It makes the PC = PC + 8.
Similarly, we can deduce:
Suppose, Execute stage in the first pipeline stage E, each instruction is T bytes, then
= PC + N*T
= PC + (E - 1) * T
Here ARM7 and ARM9:
Execute stage is Phase 3 ⇒ E = 3
Each instruction is 4 bytes ⇒ T = 4
and so:
=PC + N* T
=PC + (3 -1 ) * 4
= PC + 8
[prompt]About directly change the value of the PC, it will lead to the interpretation of the pipeline empty
The value of the PC directly assigned to 0x20. The PC value changes, a direct result of pipeline empty, that lead to a cycle of the corresponding pipeline in several other steps, including the following in the same Cycle fetch job is canceled. After the PC jump to 0x20 positions, pipeline recalculated again step by step in accordance with the logic of the pipeline, to execute a little bit. Of course, to ensure the completion of the current instruction execution, after that the implementation, there are two cycle, were done for Memory and Write, will continue to perform complete.

.wordWord define expr (32bit numbers).word expr {, ...}.word one hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred and eleven, 0x11223
.balignlFollowing code to align the Word Alignment byte boundary ( default = 4 ). Fill Skipped words with Fill ( default = 0 or NOP ). If the Number of bytes Skipped is greater than max, then do not align ( default = Alignment )..balignl {alignment} {, fill} {, max}.balignl
init_fnc_t * init_sequence [] = {
 cpu_init, / * basic cpu dependent setup * /

void start_armboot (void)
 init_fnc_t ** init_fnc_ptr;

 for (init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence; * init_fnc_ptr; ++ init_fnc_ptr) {
  if ((* init_fnc_ptr) ()! = 0) {
   hang ();

Table 1.4. CPSR Bitfield
00000User26 mode
00001FIQ26 mode
00010IRQ26 mode
00011SVC26 mode
10000User Mode
10001FIQ mode
10010IRQ mode
10011SVC mode
10111ABT mode
11011UND mode
The two lines of code, in fact, can be found above the ARM's official website:
Invalidate ICache and DCacheSBZMCR p15,0, Rd, c7, c7,0
Invalidate TLB (s)SBZMCR p15,0, Rd, c8, c7,0

Disable MMU

 / *
  * Disable MMU stuff and caches
  * /
 mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 01
1Here, the corresponding values ​​are:
rd is r0 = 0
CRn is C1
CRm of C0
opcode_2 to 0
In other words, this line of code is the value of r0, that is 0, writing to CP15 register 1.
Register 1 is related definitions:
StrongARM SA110
  • Register 1 - Control (read / write)All values ​​set to 0 at power-up.
    • Bit 0 - On-chip MMU turned off (0) or on (1)
    • Bit 1 - Address alignment fault disabled (0) or enabled (1)
    • Bit 2 - Data cache turned off (0) or on (1)
    • Bit 3 - Write buffer turned off (0) or on (1)
    • Bit 7 - Little-endian operation if 0, big-endian if 1
    • Bit 8 - System bit - controls the MMU permission system
    • Bit 9 - ROM bit - controls the MMU permission system
    • Bit 12 - Instruction cache turned off (0) or on (1) "
Therefore, the corresponding content is written to the bit [CRm] in opcode_2, namely bit [0] 0 is written, the corresponding action is " On-Chip MMU turned off ", ie close MMU.

1.5.6. Clear bits

 1BIC r0, r0, # 0x00002300 @ Clear bits 13, 9: 8 (--V- - RS) 2
 BIC r0, r0, # 0x00000087 @ Clear bits 7, 2: 0 (B --- -CaM) 3
 Orr r0, r0, # 0x00000002 @ set bit 2 (A) Align 4
 Orr r0, r0, # 0x00001000 @ set bit 12 (I) I-Cache 5
 mcr P15, 0, r0, c1, C0, 06
1Here a few lines of code, written comments also very clear, is to clear bit and setting the corresponding bit corresponding to the meaning of specific bit fields below:
Table 1.6. Control Register Bit Field Meaning 1
Register bitsNameFunctionValue
31iA bitAsynchronous clock selectSee Table 2.11
30nF bitnotFastBus selectSee Table 2.11
Read = Unpredictable  Write = Should be Zero
14RR bitRound robin replacement
0 = Random replacement  1 = Round-robin replacement
13V bitBase location of exception registers
Addresses = 0x00000000 0 = Low  1 = High 0xFFFF0000 Addresses =
12I bitICache enable
ICache 0 = disabled  1 = enabled ICache
Read = 00  = 00 Write
9R bitROM protectionThis bit MODIFIES the MMU Protection system. See Domain Access Control
8S bitSystem protectionThis bit MODIFIES the MMU Protection system. See Domain Access Control
7B bitEndianness
Little-endian operation 0 =  1 = Big-endian operation
6: 3-Reserved
Read = 1111  Write = 1111
2C bitDCache enable
DCache 0 = disabled  1 = enabled DCache
1A bitAlignment fault enableData address alignment fault checking
0 = Fault checking disabled  1 = enabled Fault checking
0M bitMMU enable
0 = MMU disabled  1 = MMU enabled
Table 1.7 Clock Mode
Clocking modeiAnF
FastBus mode00
Domain access control
Table 1.8. About Access control bit in the domain access control register means
00No accessAny access generates a domain fault
01ClientAccesses are checked against the access permission bits in the section or page descriptor
10ReservedReserved. Currently behaves like the no access mode
11ManagerAccesses are not checked against the access permission bits so a permission fault can not be generated
Table 1.9, "About access permission (AP) bit meaning" Shows How to Interpret the Access Permission (AP) bits and How Their Interpretation is dependent on the S and R bits (Control Register bits 8 and 9)
Table 1.9. Meaning of the access permission (AP) bits
APSRSupervisor permissionsUser permissionsDescription
0000No accessNo accessAny access generates a permission fault
0010Read-onlyNo accessOnly Supervisor read permitted
0001Read-onlyRead-onlyAny write generates a permission fault
01xxRead / writeNo accessAccess allowed only in Supervisor mode
10xxRead / writeRead-onlyWrites in User mode cause permission fault
11xxRead / writeRead / writeAll access types permitted in both modes
2This line of action is to:
  1. Clear bit [13]Base location of exception register (exception register base address) 0 = Low address = 0x0000 0000
  2. Clear bit [9] and bit [8]Here it is not very good, to be follow-up insight. The current understanding is: Whether Supervisor or user, no one can access, otherwise permission error "Any access generates a permission fault"
3This line of action is to:
  1. Clear bit [7]Using little endian
  2. Clear bit [2-0]DCache disabled, close Dcache; Alignment Fault checking disabled, close the address alignment error checking; MMU disabled, close the MMU.
4This line of action is to:
  1. Setting bit [1]"Enable Data address alignment fault checking" Open Data address alignment error checking, that is, if the data address is illegal (odd?) Address on the error.
5This line of action is to:
  1. Setting bit [12]Open instruction cache I cache.
6mcr instruction, the value will just set r0, and then written into the register 1.

1.5.7. Bl lowlevel_init

 / *
  * Before relocating, we have to setup RAM timing
  * Because memory timing is board-dependend, you will
  * Find a lowlevel_init.S in your board directory.
  * /
 mov ip, lr
 bl lowlevel_init
 mov LR, ip 1
 mov PC, LR 2
1Lr value to ip, namely the instruction pointer r12, lr here the reason is because you want to save what is in here in Functions cpu_init_crit, lr have been saved will be used to return to the main address of the function, that is, when the last call the pc value, and here if it continues to call another subroutine in the subroutine cpu_init_crit in lowlevel_init without saving lr, then call End lowlevel_init return to time, they lost cpu_init_crit position to return.
White said that, before each function you want to call, you want to make sure whether the value stored correctly lr, to ensure that after the function call is complete, it can return to normal. Of course, if you do not need to return here, they will not have to save the values ​​of lr.
2A typical subroutine call, by the value of lr is assigned to pc, realized after the function call is completed and returned.
3Here, it is the previous code:
 bl cpu_init_crit
It is corresponding.

Exception handlers

/ *
 * Exception handlers
 * /
 .align 5
 bl do_undefined_instruction
 .align 5

 bl do_software_interrupt

 .align 5
 bl do_prefetch_abort

 .align 5
 bl do_data_abort

 .align 5
 bl do_not_used
1If undefined instruction exception occurs, CPU will fall to the corresponding position at the beginning of start.S:
 ldr pc, _undefined_instruction
That is the address of _undefined_instruction contents to pc, it jumps to execute the corresponding code here.
Which do are:
Get an error when the stack
Save User mode register
Jump to the corresponding function: do_undefined_instruction
And do_undefined_instruction function is:
u-boot-1.1.6_20100601 \ opt \ EmbedSky \ u-boot-1.1.6 \ cpu \ arm920t \ interrupts.c
void bad_mode (void)
 panic ("Resetting CPU ... \ n");
 reset_cpu (0);

void do_undefined_instruction (struct pt_regs * pt_regs)
 printf ("undefined instruction \ n");
 show_regs (pt_regs);
 bad_mode ();
You can see here the initial losers yes, just print what the value of the register when the error, and then jump to bad_mode fetch reset CPU, direct to restart the system.
2More than a few macros, and front do_undefined_instruction are similar, I do not say.

1.6.5. Launch

@ HJ
.globl Launch1
    .align 4
    mov r7, r0
    @ Diable interrupt
 @ Disable watch dog timer
 mov r1, # 0x53000000
 mov r2, # 0x0
 str r2, [r1]

    ldr r1, = INTMSK
    ldr r2, = 0xffffffff @ all interrupt disable
    str r2, [r1]

    ldr r1, = INTSUBMSK
    ldr r2, = 0x7ff @ all sub interrupt disable
    str r2, [r1]

    ldr r1, = INTMOD
    mov r2, # 0x0 @ set all interrupt as IRQ (not FIQ)
    str r2, [r1]

 mov ip, # 0
 mcr p15, 0, ip, c13, c0, 0 @ / * zero PID * /
 mcr p15, 0, ip, c7, c7, 0 @ / * invalidate I, D caches * /
 mcr p15, 0, ip, c7, c10, 4 @ / * drain write buffer * /
 mcr p15, 0, ip, c8, c7, 0 @ / * invalidate I, D TLBs * /
 mrc p15, 0, ip, c1, c0, 0 @ / * get control register * /
 bic ip, ip, # 0x0001 @ / * disable MMU * /
 mcr p15, 0, ip, c1, c0, 0 @ / * write control register * /

    @ MMU_EnableICache
    mrc p15,0, r1, c1, c0,0
    orr r1, r1, # (1 << 12)
    mcr p15,0, r1, c1, c0,0

    bl Wince_Port_Init

    @ Clear SDRAM: the end of free mem (has wince on it now) to the end of SDRAM
    ldr r3, FREE_RAM_END
    ldr r4, = PHYS_SDRAM_1 + PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE @ must clear all the memory unused to zero
    mov r5, # 0

    ldr r1, _armboot_start
    ldr r2, = On_Steppingstone
    sub r2, r2, r1
    mov pc, r2
2: stmia r3 !, {r5}
    cmp r3, r4
    bne 2b

    @ Set sp = 0 on sys mode
    mov sp, # 0

    @ Add by HJ, switch to SVC mode
 msr cpsr_c, # 0xdf @ set the I-bit = 1, diable the IRQ interrupt
 msr cpsr_c, # 0xd3 @ set the I-bit = 1, diable the IRQ interrupt
    ldr sp, = 0x31ff5800 

 mov pc, r7 @ Jump to PhysicalAddress
    mov pc, lr
1Here is equivalent to a function called Launch, also made a similar system initialization action.
But could not find where this function is called. Concrete is not clear.

1.6.6. Int_return

 .align 5
/ * Add by to use IRQ for USB and DMA * /
 sub lr, lr, # 4 @ the return address
 ldr sp, IRQ_STACK_START @ the stack for irq
 stmdb sp !, {r0-r12, lr} @ save registers
 ldr lr, = int_return @ set the return addr
 ldr PC, = IRQ_Handle 2          @ Call the isr
 ldmia sp !, {r0-r12, pc} ^ @ return from interrupt
 .align 5
 / * Someone ought to write a more effiction fiq_save_user_regs * /
 bl do_fiq4
 .align 5
 bl do_irq

 .align 5
 bl do_fiq

1Here, do something, it is easy to understand, that is, after an interrupt occurs, go out here, and then save the corresponding register and then jumps to the corresponding function IRQ_Handle irq go.
But why go to the front of why sp minus 4, the reasons do not understand.
2About IRQ_Handle, are in:
u-boot-1.1.6_20100601 \ opt \ EmbedSky \ u-boot-1.1.6 \ cpu \ arm920t \ s3c24x0 \ interrupts.c
void IRQ_Handle (void)
 unsigned long oft = intregs-> INTOFFSET;
 S3C24X0_GPIO * const gpio = S3C24X0_GetBase_GPIO ();

// Printk ("IRQ_Handle:% d \ n", oft);

 // Clear break
 if (oft == 4) gpio-> EINTPEND = 1 << 7; 
 intregs-> SRCPND = 1 << oft;
 intregs-> INTPND = intregs-> INTPND;

 / * Run the isr * /
 isr_handle_array [oft] ();
Not explain the details here, roughly meaning it is to find the corresponding interrupt source, and then calls have been registered before the corresponding interrupt service routine ISR.
3Here it is also very simple, that is when the fast interrupt FIQ occurs, save the IRQ of the User mode registers, and then call the function do_fiq, after a call is completed, and then restore the user mode IRQ register.
4do_fiq () is:
u-boot-1.1.6_20100601 \ opt \ EmbedSky \ u-boot-1.1.6 \ cpu \ arm920t \ interrupts.c
void do_fiq (struct pt_regs * pt_regs)
 printf ("fast interrupt request \ n");
 show_regs (pt_regs);
 bad_mode ();
And the previously mentioned do_undefined_instruction the same information that is printed register and then jumps to bad_mode () to restart the CPU only.
5Here it is, if not defined CONFIG_USE_IRQ, then use this code, you can see, are just directly call do_irq and do_fiq, did not do any real work.
Assembler code obtained from:
ldr r0, = 0x53000000
Corresponding to the real assembly code:
33d00068: e3a00453 mov r0, # 1392508928; 0x53000000
Analysis, it is easy to understand: the
mov r0, # 1392508928
= Mov r0, # 0x53000000
The role is to 0x53000000 move to r0 go.
The corresponding binary instructions that the above:
0xe3a00453 = 1110 0011 1010 0000 0000 0100 0101 0011 b
The following control instructions mov format, to analyze these bits corresponding meanings:

Table 3.3. Mov instruction bit field meaning resolve 0xe3a00453
Condition Field00I (Immediate Operand)OpCode (Operation Code)S (Set Condition Code)RN (1st Operand Register)Rd (Destination Register)Operand 2
1 = operand  2 is an immediate value
11-8: Rotate7-0: Imm
Show is immediate1101 corresponds to the MOV instructionMOV instruction to do is: Rd: = Op2, and Rn-independent, so ignore this RnNo. 0000 register indicates that r00100 = 4, meaning see note 10x53
Above datasheet wrote:
5.4.3 Immediate operand rotates
Rotate the immediate operand field is a 4 bit unsigned Integer Which specifies a Shift operation on the 8 bit immediate value. This value is Zero Extended to 32 bits, and then subject to a Rotate right by Twice the value in the Rotate field. This Enables many common constants to be generated, for example all powers of 2
Meaning that, for bit: value [11 8], it is a 4, unsigned integer, which specifies the bit: shift operation [7 0] 8bit immediate value. Specifically, how to specify it, and that is the bit: the value [7 0], rotate right 2x bit [11: 8] bits.
For our example, that is, the bit [7: 0] The value 0x53, rotate right 2xbit [11: 8] = 2 x 4 = 8 bits
The 0x53 Rotate Right 8, you get a 0x53000000, it is that we want mov value, mov to the destination register rd, here r0.
The last sentence of the above English said that by the bit [7: 0] value, rotated right 2xbit [11: 8] way, you can generate a lot of numerical values, and that is the operand mov, in which compliance with Rotate Right value can 0x00-0xFF generated even bit operand mov are legitimate, but such numbers, in fact, are many.
[note]Mov ranging summary
Therefore, the real mov instruction fetch operand range , that is, not 0-0xFF (0-255), nor is it a multiple of only 2, but:
As long as this number, it can 0x00-0xFF in a number, rotate right even bits generated is legitimate operand mov, otherwise is illegal mov operand of.

Lab examples for making S3C2410 boot up learn.

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